Register Your Telkomsel Prepaid (AS LOOP SIMPATI) Number For More Secure and Get 10 GB quota only for Rp10 now!
According to the regulation of Ministry of Communication & Informatics number 10/2010, Indonesian Government will obligate all Prepaid customer to register their number, using a validated National Identity Number/ NIK. You can enjoy more benefits by re-registering your current prepaid number.
What is Prepaid Customer Registration?
Prepaid Customer Registration is an obligated identity registration process that applies to the new and existing prepaid customers, who has not been validated (“Customer”), by using the valid data of identity as recorded in ‘Civil Registry’ of Republic of Indonesia (“Ditjen Dukcapil”). This regulation also applies to every new Postpaid customer.
What is the purpose of this regulation?
- To protect the civil society and telecommunication customers from possibility of crime act or hacking efforts by some irresponsible party (such as terrorism, phishing, spamming, cyber crime etc). Therefore customers can have a comfortable experience in using telecommunication services
- To provide easiness of services for customers either in online transaction or cashless payment
- The valid customers data can be use for Financial Inclusion matters, fund distribution or government grant and etc
What differs the new registration from previous regulation?
No. |
Previous registration
New Registration
1 |
Register using ID Number, Name, Address, Birthplace/Date, ROID (Retail/Outlet ID) & Post Code
Register using National Identity Number (NIK) & Family Registers number on electronic ID & Family Registers (KK)
2 |
No validation process
There is validation process to the recorded data in national ‘Civil Registry’
3 |
Only executed by telco operator outlets or partners
Applies for self registration, telco operator outlets, partners and contact center
Is it only apply for new customers?
No. The prepaid registration process is obligated to all existing customers, as well as new customers
Can customers make their own prepaid registration process?
Yes, new and existing customers can do self registration with the conditions of attaching NIK, KK & KTP (ID card) which are registered in National Civil Registry.
Can prepaid registration be done at telco operator outlets or its partners?
Yes, customers may also come to telco operator outlets or its partners by bringing the requirements.
What are the requirements that has to be prepared by customers to do prepaid registration?
Requirements to be prepared by customers are:
For Indonesian Citizen (WNI):
- E-KTP (Electronics ID Card)
- Family Card (KK)
For Foreigners (Foreigners):
- Passport
- KITAP (Stay Permit Card)
- KITAS (Temporary Stay Permit Card)
What are the information in Family Register Card (KK) and Electronic ID card required to do prepaid registration?
The required information are:
- 16 digits of National Identification Numbers (NIK)
- 16 digits of Family Register Card (KK)
Can new and existing customers still do registration if they are yet to have Family Register Card and Electronic ID card?
Yes, they can. If customers do not have Electronic ID card, they may use National Identification Numbers (NIK) which is stated on their Family Register Card (KK). If they do not have Family Register Card (KK), they cannot do registration.
How to do prepaid registration?
For Telkomsel customers, as follow:
- New customers:
Type: REG<space>NIK#KK Number# send to 4444
Example: REG 1234567890123456#3201060401130027#
- Existing customers:
Type: ULANG<space>NIK#KK Number# send to 4444
Example: ULANG 1234567890123456#3201060401130027#
How to do prepaid registration for Foreign Citizens (WNA)?
Foreign Citizens may do prepaid registration by coming to telco operator outlets or its partners and bringing identification card in the form of passport/Temporary Stay Permit Card (KITAS)/Permanent Stay Permit Card (KITAP). The outlet staff will then record name, passport/Temporary Stay Permit Card (KITAS)/Permanent Stay Permit Card (KITAP) number, citizenship, as well as Date & Place of Birth.
Is there a validation process for new and existing customers?
Yes. The validation process is a part of prepaid registration process. In this validation process, customers identity information will be validated through the database of National Civil Registry.
How long will it take to validate the process?
Validation process will take maximum 24 hours.
If the registration process failed, is the activation can still be applied?
The activation can still be applied. Customers are requested to try again until the processed is succesful.
When is the Prepaid Registration effectively applied?
Prepaid registration is effectively applied by 31 October 2017.
When is the due date for Prepaid Registration for existing customer?
The due date for Prepaid Registration for existing customer is 28 February 2018.
What are the consequences if customer Not Registered?
Telecommunication Service Provider will gradually block the services as follow:
- Outgoing Call and Short Message Service (SMS) blockage, if not registered within 30 calendar days since the date of announcement.
- Incoming Call and Short Message Service (SMS), if not registered within 15 calendar days after the blockages of point (1).
- Internet services blockage, if not registered within 15 calendar days after the blockages of point (2).
What do customers have to do if having difficulties in registering?
Customers can contact customer center of the Telecommunication Service Provider. For Telkomsel Call Center contact 188, Facebook Telkomsel, Twitter @telkomsel, Email, Telkomsel Virtual Assistant, Self-Services vending machines MyGraPARI, WEB and also MyTelkomsel app.
What do customers have to do if having difficulties through getting the Citizenship Data (e.g.: unknown National Identification Number (NIK)) ?
If customer is having difficulties in getting Citizenship Data, customer is requested to contact National Civil Registry (Ditjen Dukcapil) or visit or Call Center 1500537 (working hours).
Is there any consequences if not doing the registration?
Yes there will be consequences to customer that has not register their number as follow:
- For new customer, the SIM Card will not be activated
- For existing customer, services will be blocked gradually as follow:
- Outgoing Call and Short Message Service (SMS) blockage, if not registered within 30 calendar days since the date of announcement.
- Incoming Call and Short Message Service (SMS), if not registered within 15 calendar days after the blockages of point (1)
- Internet services blockage, if not registered within 15 calendar days after the blockages of point (2).
Is there any limitation on the total amount of prepaid numbers for each new customer and existing customer?
Total amount of prepaid numbers that can be registered by new customer and existing customer is maximum 3 numbers, for each NIK (National Identification Number) in each Telecommunication Service Provider. If more that 3 number, then the next following number can be registered through Customer Services Outlets or Partners from Telecommunication Service Provider.
What about prepaid numbers belonging to Corporate? Do still need to be registered and limited to 3 numbers per 1 Telecommunication Service Provider? or need to come to Customer Services for Self Registration?
Registration mechanism for corporate number are still need to be followed and applied by individual holder. For registering corporate number should be done by the responsible corporate representative and no amount of number limitation.
Are the registration requirements mentioned above applied for Postpaid and also Non-cellular customer?
Yes, all registration requirements mentioned above are also applied to Postpaid customer and Non-cellular customer.